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APP Derm Advanced Course

The Intermediate Level
Building on foundational knowledge, this level is geared toward APPs with some dermatology experience who want to expand their diagnostic skills and refine treatment strategies. It covers a wider range of dermatologic conditions, providing advanced tools for managing and diagnosing patients with a deeper understanding.

Key Features:
  • 24 Video Modules 
  • 28 hours of expert-led virtual training
  • Module Exams to verify mastery
  • Designed to deepen diagnostic skills and treatment strategies for complex dermatologic conditions

Earn 32 hours of Continuing Medical Education (CME)

About the Advanced Derm Program


  • 24 online video modules packed with dermatologic information.  Includes many real life patient images and high yield facts designed to immediately improve clinical skills
  • Post exams to assess understanding
  • Differential diagnosis identifying mimickers and look-a-likes utilized throughout training enhancing accurate diagnosis
  • Downloadable PDFs of all module lecture slides included in the program
  • Up to 32 hours credit of Continuing Medical Education 

    Corresponds to  reference textbooks of Dermatology by Bolognia and Andrews Clinical Dermatology by James

Topics Covered

1.  Moles to Melanoma
2. Melanoma diagnosis
3. Dermatology procedures – understanding basic techniques
4. Dermatophytes in dermatology
5. Dermatophyte differential
6. Non-dermatophyte fungal infections
7. Clinicopathologic Correlation
8. Human papilloma virus
9. Herpes simplex virus and varicella virus infections
10. Bacterial infections in dermatology
11. Therapeutics: Glucocorticoids systemic
12. Atopic dermatitis: systemic therapy
13. Allergic contact dermatitis
14. Photoprotection: Understanding UV
15. Autoimmune bullous disorders
16. Blistering beyond autoimmune
17. Cicatricial alopecia
18. Nonscarring alopecia in dermatology
19. Have you seen it? 
20. Drug reactions & medication maladies
21. Erythema multiforme, Stevens-Johnson syndrome and Toxic epidermal
22. Lupus in the dermatology setting
23. Morphea, lichen sclerosis and systemic sclerosis
24. Vasculitis


  1. Classify and categorize common dermatologic conditions enhancing diagnostic accuracy.
  2. Determine optimal therapeutic modalities for conditions presented.
  3. Recognize pigmented lesion subtypes including high-risk lesions for malignancy.  Staging and treatment protocols for melanoma also reviewed. 
  4. Identify and classify dermatophyte, non-dermatophyte, bacterial and viral infections as well as employ diagnostic methods to promote accurate diagnosis.  
  5. Understand important dermatologic conditions including atopic dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, eczematous dermatitis.
  6. Identify autoimmune and non-autoimmune blistering disorders, diagnostic techniques, and treatment.
  7. Recognize and differentiate alopecia types, including scarring and non-scarring then derive treatment options.
  8. Classify erythematous drug eruptions, medication reactions, and drug induced urticarial rashes.
  9. Identify systemic lupus, cutaneous lupus subsets, morphea, and vasculitis, and deploy diagnostic and treatment techniques.
  10. Discern findings on pathology report to optimize clinicopathologic correlation.

CME Overview

Activity Overview

Advanced Practice Providers and non-dermatologists who see patients in a clinical setting will benefit from understanding the topics presented.

Target Audience

This activity is designed for an audience of physicians, physician associates and nurse practitioners.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of of the educational activity, participants should be able to:

  • Describe and classify components of common pigmented lesions
  • Recognize the etiology of melanocytic growths
  • Identify high risk lesions for malignancy
  • Identify components of melanoma
  • Recognize the staging of cutaneous melanoma
  • Identify risk factors for malignancy
  • Describe and classify the type of biopsy which yields desired pathologic interpretation
  • Identify features of growths which direct clinicians to perform shave biopsy
  • Enhance recognition of cryosurgery methods and complications
  • Identify clinical features of dermatophyte infection
  • Describe and classify etiologies of dermatophytosis
  • Utilize power categories for more accurate diagnosis
  • Recognize the differential diagnosis for common dermatophyte presentations
  • Recognize features of tinea capitis
  • Review fundamental features to aid in diagnosis
  • identify non-dermatophyte infections of the skin
  • Recognize the differential diagnosis for presented fungal infections
  • Describe standard treatment options for non-dermatophyte infection
  • Recognize where and which type of biopsies are used for best results
  • Identify clinical findings to help determine if neoplastic or inflammatory dermatosis
  • Better discuss clinicopathologic correlation
  • Describe the biology of human papillomavirus
  • Better recognize transmission risks
  • Identify high risk strains for cancer conversion
  • Describe the cycle of herpes simplex and varicella virus infections
  • Identify clinical presentations of herpes simplex
  • Describe effective treatment of herpes zoster
  • Recognize presentations of impetigo
  • Define clinical signs of folliculitis
  • Review treatment options for methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus
  • Identify common side effects of oral glucocorticoid therapy
  • Describe and classify guidelines for dosing systemic steroids
  • Review method of topical steroid classification
  • Describe the basis for the derm ‘Eczema’
  • Identify types of therapy for moderate to severe atopic dermatitis
  • Describe and classify systemic treatments for atopic dermatitis
  • Better recognize patterns of presentation for contact allergens
  • Identify primary lesions of contact dermatitis
  • Describe and classify common contact allergens of the skin
  • Gain knowledge of physical photoprotection measures
  • identify the most common autoimmune blistering disorders
  • Recognize the clinical clues to discern level of bullae formation
  • Recognize the diagnostic techniques employed
  • Identify common blistering and bullous eruptions, not autoimmune in nature
  • Recognize clinical clues to help discern potential etiologies
  • Review distribution and how it can help aid in diagnosis
  • Recognize the categorization of alopecia into scarring/non-scarring
  • Identify common off-label medications utilized to treat scarring alopecia
  • Discuss scalp findings and clinical clues for discoid lupus
  • Recognize FDA approved treatment options for androgenetic alopecia
  • Identify common off-label medications used for androgenetic alopecia
  • Recognize scalp findings for alopecia areata
  • Review power categories to more accurately diagnoses dermatologic entities
  • Describe and classify etiology of conditions described in dermatology
  • Determine best treatment modalities for entities described
  • Identify clinical features of erythematous drug eruptions
  • Describe and classify differential diagnosis for medication reactions
  • Become aware of common medications for urticarial drug rashes
  • Identify clinical features of erythema multiforme
  • Describe and classify the most common etiologies of erythema multiforme
  • Increase awareness of common medications for severe drug rashes
  • Identify components of systemic lupus
  • Recognize and explain screening tests and their utility
  • Review subsets of cutaneous lupus
  • Identify findings of morphea, lichen sclerosis et atrophicus and systemic sclerosis
  • Recognize the differential diagnosis of the entities described
  • Describe and classify current nomenclature for entities formerly labeled ‘scleroderma’
  • Recognize primary lesion presentations of vasculitis
  • Recognize power categories to formulate differential diagnosis
  • Identify etiologies of cutaneous vasculitis in dermatology

Criteria for Success

To obtain a certificate of completion, a score of 70% or better on the post-test is required. Please proceed with the activity until you have successfully completed this program, answered all test questions, completed the post-test and evaluation, and have received a digital copy of your certificate. You must participate in the entire activity to receive credit. If you have questions about this activity, please contact AKH Inc. at

CE credit provided by AKH Inc., Advancing Knowledge in Healthcare.

In support of improving patient care, this activity has been planned and implemented by AKH Inc., Advancing Knowledge in Healthcare and Dermwise Inc. AKH Inc., Advancing Knowledge in Healthcare is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

This activity was planned by and for the healthcare team, and learners will receive 32 Interprofessional Continuing Education (IPCE) credit for learning and change.

Physician Associates:
AKH Inc., Advancing Knowledge in Healthcare has been authorized by the American Academy of Physician Associates (AAPA) to award AAPA Category 1 CME credit for activities planned in accordance with AAPA CME Criteria. This activity is designated for 32 AAPA Category 1 CME credits. Approval is valid until January 1, 2026. PAs should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation.
AKH Inc., Advancing Knowledge in Healthcare designates this enduring material for a maximum of 32 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
Nurse Practitioners:
This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Accreditation Standards of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) through the joint providership of AKH Inc., Advancing Knowledge in Healthcare and Dermwise Inc. AKH Inc., Advancing Knowledge in Healthcare is accredited by the American Association of Nurse Practitioners as an approved provider of nurse practitioner continuing education. Provider number: 030803. This activity is approved for 32 contact hour(s) (which includes 2.5 hour(s) of pharmacology).


Commercial Support

There is no commercial support for this activity.



It is the policy of AKH Inc. to ensure independence, balance, objectivity, scientific rigor, and integrity in all of its continuing education activities. The author must disclose to the participants any significant relationships with ineligible companies whose products or devices may be mentioned in the activity or with the commercial supporter of this continuing education activity. Identified conflicts of interest are mitigated by AKH prior to accreditation of the activity. AKH planners and reviewers have no relevant financial relationships to disclose.

Disclosure of Unlabeled 

Use and Investigational Product. This educational activity may include discussion of uses of agents that are investigational and/or unapproved by the FDA. Please refer to the official prescribing information for each product for discussion of approved indications, contraindications, and warnings.


This course is designed solely to provide the healthcare professional with information to assist in his/her practice and professional development and is not to be considered a diagnostic tool to replace professional advice or treatment. The course serves as a general guide to the healthcare professional, and therefore, cannot be considered as giving legal, nursing, medical, or other professional advice in specific cases. AKH Inc. specifically disclaim responsibility for any adverse consequences resulting directly or indirectly from information in the course, for undetected error, or through participant’s misunderstanding of the content.

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